Digital Entrepreneurship Strategies

Digital entrepreneurship is the process of developing of internet-powered business models. It isn’t dependent on an area of operation and makes use of smartphones, laptops and the internet to sell products and services, such as ebooks. Its popularity has helped make the world a much smaller place and has opened up new opportunities for entrepreneurs. It has also made it easier for traditional businesses to adopt a digital approach in order to retain their customer base and expand beyond their physical locations.

Digital entrepreneurs require a range of strategies to establish and sustain an internet-powered company. These strategies comprise the use of business models that are scalable such as strategic partnerships and networking efficient communication, and discerning leadership. Digital entrepreneurs also need an unwavering perspective and be able of overcoming obstacles.

Digital entrepreneurs must be able when developing and deploying an digital artifact that is scalable, to determine the validity of a Value Proposition (VP). This typically involves identifying and capitalizing on disruptive VPs which can transform existing business models into digital ones or create new ones. Netflix, Airbnb and Uber are just a few examples of digital entrepreneurs who have employed this method to their advantage.

Case study research is a good method to study digital business. This is because it allows the investigation of real-world phenomena. It can help answer ‚What‘ and ‚How‘ questions.

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